1. Shir Farkash on August 6, 2022 at 4:46 am

    Little glitch on this video, but great information! Thanks

  2. Claudia Pacheco on August 6, 2022 at 5:08 am

    I will never forget the effects of too much vitamin A. Skin will turn orange like our beloved Donald Trump! Jajajaja thank you for very easy to understand lecture, it helped me a lot!

  3. Wade x on August 6, 2022 at 5:08 am

    Around the 3 min mark you make a mistake and restart but you forgot to clip the video.

  4. Michael Abrahim on August 6, 2022 at 5:11 am

    Pharmacology afaan oromootiin osoo nuuf qopheessitanii baay’ee namatti tola kanaaf ammumatti akka nuuf qopheessitan dhiifamaa wajjiin isin gaafanna galatoomaa!!!

  5. Professor Zandes on August 6, 2022 at 5:30 am

    Hey Everyone! For more content, please subscribe to my new channel – Clinical Nutrition University – here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCct4QtBkcn0or0aOi_IwbTw

  6. Bijendra Singh on August 6, 2022 at 5:31 am
