The Impact of Exercise on Cognitive Functioning

The Impact of Exercise on Cognitive Functioning There is substantial evidence suggesting physical activity and maintaining involvement in cognitively stimulating activities buttress cognition as we age. However, the mechanism by which engaged lifestyles exert their positive influence on cognitive aging is not clear. Clinical neuropsychologist Amy Jak explores the relationship between activity levels, cognition and…

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Childhood Obesity: The impact of nutrition on health

Childhood Obesity: The impact of nutrition on health Globally, the level of childhood obesity is increasing at a startling rate and there are more children overweight in Europe than any other continent. United European Gastroenterology highlights the importance of healthy early nutrition in helping to reduce the levels of childhood obesity, both now and in…

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Could Detox Foot Baths Actually Remove Toxins From Your Body?

Could Detox Foot Baths Actually Remove Toxins From Your Body? It’s one of the hottest spa treatments around. A foot bath that some spas claim can actually remove toxins from your body right through your feet. Spas charge up to $85 for a foot detox that supposedly draws toxins into a tub of water that…

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